Saturday 24 January 2009 work

its been a long time since i last blogd..
now im currently working at MAXIS centre as a consultant..
dealing with line registration and porting from other telco companies which can b a total headache if it is rejected..
which means i have 2 call MAXIS centre in KL to reverse the action and this and that..
then, have to resubmit again..
n payment counter is another headache..with customers asking y its so expensive n all those crap..
i wAS like thinking "u pay what u used lar" but of course i cant say dat to a i'll just have to bear with it..
after finishing those reg. forms, we had to do da masa report..
check wether the bill merg-ing is successful or not etc..
once its rejected, have to resubmit..
and i hate those porting from other telco...
some dont even pay up their bills at other telco b4 switching to our MAXIS line n we have to call the customer, reverse the action n wait....then resubmit man..
n worse is, some ppl gave wrong information cos the number is not under their own name..
which later cause the application to b rejected again..shit. looking foward to cont' my studies..cos working is really not my 'thing' yet..
working experience is good but at this moment i think, i still wanna study..hehe..


V!MaL said...


Anonymous said...

y? lol

V!MaL said...

bcoz i feel her pain...